Academic Preview Assignment (2012 Winners)

My Favorite Picture:

  1. I picked this photo because of the geometric shapes it creates, and the balance that appeals to the eye from the two bottles. The concentration coming from the boy is interesting to viewers, and draws attention to the experiment he's constructing
  2. This picture makes geometric shapes with the bottles and the liquids coming out of them, so it creates balance and it is simplicity as well. Also, the lines from the liquids pouring into the beaker draws viewers' attentions to the main reaction. 
Pre-Shoot Questions:

  1. I think it would be the most interesting to take photos in the science lab, like the photo above, or in a class with a group project/teamwork. 
  2. I'd like to take photos in Ms. Feen's classroom because of the interactive labs she makes. 
  3. I think looking at the angles of pictures will create more interesting photos and following the six rules of taking good pictures. 


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