4 Websites

1. 10 Photography resolutions: https://petapixel.com/2014/12/31/10-photography-resolutions-new-year/   From this website, I learned that putting yourself out there as a photographer and getting outside of your comfort zone only improves your pictures and makes you more well-known.

a. I picked this picture because I love the emphasis on her eyes. It's interesting how the subject is looking straight into the camera and how the snow has been captured in the picture. 
b. I see simplicity especially because all aspects of the picture are adding up to her face. I also see depth because of the snow on the camera.
c. The photographer was not listed

2.  Spiral Staircases: https://petapixel.com/2014/12/19/disorienting-beauty-spiral-staircases-old-abandoned-buildings/  On this website, I learned about Christian Richter's history of great photography of abandoned staircases and how he grew up in Germany. I learned how staircases can make very interesting effects. 

a. I liked this picture because I thought the colors from the staircase looked like a cool color wheel, and it almost looked like a hurricane with the eye in the center. 
b. I see lines because there is emphasis on lines leading up to the center. I also see patterns.
c. Christian Richter took the picture.

3. 7 Tips to Shooting Great Portrait Photographs: https://blog.phowd.com/2014/09/7-tips-shooting-great-portrait-photographs/  In this website, I learned 7 tips to making better pictures, which mostly consisted of tips on how to work with your subject and how to be outside of the box/make your own rules. 

a. I liked this picture because of the simplicity. Even though it's obvious the model is posed, she doesn't look too fake. The simple background really lets the emphasis be on the model. 
b. I see simplicity because of the simple background and how there aren't many distracting colors. 
c. Yuri Arcurs took the photo. 

4.  The oldest living things in the world: http://www.rachelsussman.com/oltw/ I learned from this website that photography can be very historical and science has to come into play sometimes. Genuine curiosity about nature makes very interesting pictures. 

a. I liked this picture because it's so breathtaking and the different shades of blue are very satisfying. It makes the viewer feel like they're there. 
b. I see depth of field because the water is so close up, and the mountains are photographed from a further point away. This picture also has some simplicity. 
c. Rachel Sussman took the picture.


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