
Showing posts from December, 2017

Final magazine covers


Magazine cover portraits and self portraits


Portraits and Self Portraits


4 Websites

1. 10 Photography resolutions:    From this website, I learned that putting yourself out there as a photographer and getting outside of your comfort zone only improves your pictures and makes you more well-known. a. I picked this picture because I love the emphasis on her eyes. It's interesting how the subject is looking straight into the camera and how the snow has been captured in the picture.  b. I see simplicity especially because all aspects of the picture are adding up to her face. I also see depth because of the snow on the camera. c. The photographer was not listed 2.  Spiral Staircases:   On this website, I learned about Christian Richter's history of great photography of abandoned staircases and how he grew up in Germany. I learned how staircases can make very interes...