Great Black and White Photographers Part 3

1. Looking at Bill Brandt's pictures for the first time, the main thing that caught my eye was how sleek and clean his pictures are. They aren't too distracting, and all his pictures are just easy to look at. I loved his frequent use of the 'lines' rule of photography as well.

2. I see the long stretch of buildings going far past my eyes can see. It stretches past the horizon, still next to the water. The building is damaged from the rising water.
I smell the waft from the polluted water. As I stand there and wind comes past, I smell the water that has been sitting there. The stench can be smelled from far away.
I hear the laps of water hitting the side. The ripples from the water make clicking sounds. As the water hits the side, I hear droplets of it hit the ground near me.
I taste the tainted water. I taste sourness and unknown substances. The still water has an unnatural smell.
I feel cold as a chill runs by, creating ripples in the water. Small drops from the water splash onto my shoes. I can feel a cold mist as it covers the deserted area for miles.

I see the empty streets and the inviting materials in front of me. I see the busy buildings. The glossy black chair looks to be comfortable. 
I smell the many people going about their day. I smell the fresh coffee from the coffee shop and the baked bread. I smell the cars' exhaust subtly there. 
I hear the hum of busy people, cars, and children going to school. I can hear the chirp of birds in the early morning. I can hear workers starting their day, with slow movement and subtle sounds here and there. 
I taste the many restaurants and breakfast places that are opening up. The fresh, baked goods envelop my senses. I can taste the melting butter on the bread. 
I feel cozy as the day begins. Sitting in the comfortable chair, my back rests against the cushion. I feel sleepy as I sink into it. 

3. I personally would like to do this on my blog because everything could be in one place and be organized. It would be an accessible choice for people. 


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