
1. Reading the story from Scientific American, I was mostly fascinated by how passionate Nick Brandt was about the animals in Africa. He showed how dedicated someone must be to take authentic pictures. The pictures that I saw were proof that Brandt took the time to wait for the animals' schedule. Especially Lion Before Storm II - it's easy to see how much time was spent to take that picture.


3. In this picture, a relationship between two lions is shown. A male and female lion walk across a field, while the male lion lovingly touches the female lion with his head. This picture is my favorite because the subjects are clear, and I love how it clearly shows the relationship between the lions. 

4. In this picture, multiple rules of photography are apparent. It has simplicity because of the simple field and the obvious subjects, lines because their bodies form lines backwards, and also balance, because the empty spot in the middle forms a square. 

5. Brandt does not use a telephoto lens because he believes it's important to be close to the animals to get an authentic picture. He believes that it's impossible to look into an animal's life from afar. 

6. His reason for taking the photos is to capture the animals' lives and spread awareness about the danger these animals are in. 

7. I believe his hopes by taking these types of photos is to help us see what we could lose in our world and show people how beautiful these creatures are. He expresses his love for animals through these photos. He hopes to materialize the vanishing beauty of East Africa.

8. "[My pictures are] my elegy to a world that is steadily, tragically, vanishing."


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